Thursday, September 13, 2007

Baaaaaa! Bleeeaaat!

After I look at the knitting at the Western Washington Fair, I head for the sheep barns, especially the wool sheep (rather than the meat sheep). Unless you are holding some food in your hands, most of the sheep aren't interested in visitors. But it's interesting to see the critters that provide us knitters a lot of beautiful wool.

This little lamb wasn't at the fair. It was a birthday present earlier this month. He doesn't have name yet. In fact, I only recently decided he was a he. I'm open to suggestions for names.


Bridget said...

I do love looking at the sheep!

Oh, I love your little lamb! I would name him Aloysius, but that is only because I have decided that if I ever get a dog, I'll name it that ... I guess it's not really a lamb-y name ...

lydia.threads said...

He's so cute!
I would name is Vla-a-a-a-damire.
Your choice on the appropriate number of a's.