My good friends at Amazon often notify me of knitting books they are sure I need in my library. Often, they are books I already have in my library or books that I do not want in my library.
But this one — this one! — caught my eye. I have five other Tessa Lorant books, but I had never seen this one. It is a facsimile reprint of the original.
The book describes these Victorian quilts, which we might call counterpanes or bedspreads. The designs range from relatively simple to quite complex. Many have puffed leaf motifs. The book also has a few pretty edgings. Everything is written out, no charts, but they should be easy enough to chart.
Will I make a bedspread? No. But the designs would make beautiful pillows or bags or an heirloom baby coverlet or lap robe. They may even be suitable for incorporation into a shawl or sweater.
The book directed me to the publisher’s website, The Thorn Press. There I found another book I had never heard of and that I must have, Knitted Lace Doilies. Looking around the Internet, I see copies are few and far between — and very expensive.
But the website states that the the publisher plans to publish facsimile editions of the Heritage of Knitting books, including the doily book, and invites people to indicate interest in any of the titles. I sent my e-mail immediately: Please reprint the doily book.
And who should respond? Tessa Lorant Warburg her very self. Wow! What a thrill to have an e-mail exchange with someone I have admired for some years.
She made no promises about when the doily book might be published, but I am hoping for sooner instead of later.